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Showing posts from September, 2010

5 Signs He Is A Player

We all have that one friend who falls for the bad boy or we just think it's common sense to know when a guy is only after one thing. However when it's happening to you it can be hard to pull yourself away from the obvious and see what's right in from us. Like me, sometimes we have to  learn these signs the hard way. After surveying several guys, the answers were pretty unanimous of what to look out for 1. He sells himself as the victim  Whether its your first date or the first time you two have a conversation outside of texting pay attention to how he sells himself. If he tells you that he always gets dumped and he can never find a nice girl most likely he can already tell that you are a nice girl. Instantly! You are thinking "omg that's me! i'm a good girl" this is the moment he found his bait to reel you in. He wants you to feel bad for him and have that drive to prove your different then the fictional girls who have broken his heart. This i